Health and Safety
Our statement of general policy is:​
To provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from the activities of the Theatre Company.
To consult with our members on matters affecting their health and safety.
To provide and maintain safe equipment where appropriate.
To ensure safe handling and use of substances as and when the need arises.
To provide information, instruction and supervision for participants.
To ensure all members of the theatre company are competent to do tasks undertaken on behalf of the Company and to give them adequate training, where needed.
To prevent accidents.
To review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals.
Whilst overall responsibility for health and safety rests with the senior members of the Company, all members have to:
Co-operate on health and safety matters with the person supervising them on any specific task.
Not interfere with anything provided to safeguard their health and safety.Take reasonable care of their own health and safety.
Report all health and safety concerns to a senior member of the Company.
Health and safety risks arising from 2 Heavy Productions activities
Risk assessments will be undertaken, where appropriate, in conjunction with the venue concerned, by the appropriate individual concerned with the area of risk. At times this assessment will be conducted by the venue or persons at the venue that are responsible for the area of risk (e.g. light rigging).
Any findings, concerns and guidance will be raised to senior members of the Company who have responsibility for the production.
Action required to remove/control risks will be implemented by the aforementioned Senior members of the Company, in conjunction with the venue and the Company members who are participating.
Accidents and first aid​
A first aid box will be available at all rehearsals and performances of the Company. The location of this at each venue should be checked by the senior member of the Company prior to any rehearsals or performances.
It is understood that a qualified first aid person will be provided by the venue and available at all performances by the Company and where practicable at rehearsals.
This policy will be reviewed from time to time by senior members of the Company and revised as and where appropriate based on feedback from members and venues.